Board of Architectural Review
( B.O.A.R )

On August 29, 2024, the HCBOAR attended an Educational Session by Site Identification Program Administrator and Certified Local Government Program and Planning Administrator from the
Kentucky Heritage Council, Nicole Roth.
From left to right: Darrell Wallace, Joy Bennett, Mayor Randal Curry, Jesse Sims, Chair Sandra Wilson. Absent from picture: Vice-Chair, Ken Russell and CLG Administrator, Donna Logsdon.
Board Members:
Sandra Wilson, Chair
Jesse Sims, Vice-Chair
Joy Bennett, Secretary
Ken Russell
Marcia Witherspoon
Darrell Wallace
Donna Logsdon, Consultant/Architect
Randall Curry, Mayor/Ex-officio member
Mayor Randall Curry signed a proclamation on May 4, 2022 with the Horse Cave Board of Architectural Review (HCBOAR) members proclaiming May as National Preservation Month.

L to R of picture to the left: Jessie Sims, Sandra Wilson, Joy Bennett, Orloff Miller (State Planner & CLG Coordinator), Ken Russell, Marcia Witherspoon & Donna Logsdon
The Horse Cave Local Historic District Design Guidelines are a continuation of preservation-related activities that began in 1977 with a county-wide survey that was conducted by the Kentucky Heritage Council. Hart County was re-surveyed between 1994 and 1995 and at that time the City of Horse Cave was recommended to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. On August 2, 2001, the Horse Cave Historic District was listed in the National Register of Historic Places funded in part by the Kentucky Heritage Council.
On April 9, 2001, the City of Horse Cave adopted the Horse Cave Historic Preservation Ordinance # 2000-008 that established a Board of Architectural Review and authorized the designation and protection of historic preservation districts and individual landmarks.
Five interested individuals were appointed by the Mayor to serve on the Horse Cave Board of Architectural Review. This Board is responsible for reviewing Certificates of Appropriateness applications for projects for projects within the local historic as well as the Renaissance Kentucky Area, The Design Guidelines, prepared over a two year period with the Board of Architectural Review and the general public, were adopted by the Horse Cave City Council in 2004.
The City of Horse Cave has established a local historic district that centers on the downtown area. Changes to the building exterior that can be seen from street level of buildings listed in the local historic district must be approved prior to work beginning by the local BOAR committee (Ordinance #2000-088, adopted April 9, 2001).
Changes include but are not limited to windows, brick, mortar, trim, paint colors, doors, awnings, and signage which also must meet local zoning. The purpose of these regulations is to protect adjoining properties from devaluation due to improper remodeling and to insure the historic significance of the properties. Contact Donna Logsdon at 270-528-4697 or email donnaglogsdon@gmail.com for information, suggestions, and support before beginning work.
Design Guidelines
Certificate of appropriateness Application
Click here to download the BOAR brochure, call City Hall at 270-786-2680 or email horsecave@hotmail.com