Office of the Mayor
The city of Horse Cave operates under a Mayor-Council form of government. Under this form of government, the citizens of Horse Cave elect a mayor and six council members. The former is elected to a four-year term, while the latter are elected to two-year terms.
Statutory requirements - KRS 83A.040(1) - states that a candidate for mayor must be at least 25 years old, be a qualified voter in the city, and be a resident of the city throughout the term of office.
The mayor must be elected at a regular election, KRS 83A.040(1). The mayor takes office on January 1st following the election and serves a four year term.
The mayor must take an oath of office before they can begin their official duties. (KRS 62.010)
In a Mayor-Council form of government, the mayor is not a a member of the legislative body, but is the executive body (KRS 83A.010; KRS 83A.130). He or she serves as chief executive and administrative officer of the city. This elected position oversees the city's daily activities. The Mayor may veto ordinances or break a tie. He or she presides over city meetings. The Mayor appoints all city employees, including police officers, except for city council staff. He or she disciplines and dismisses all city employees at will, except city council staff, subject to tenure or protection by statute or ordinance or contract

Mayor of Horse Cave

Mayor Randall Curry Biography
Work Experience:
Eaton/Dana Corporation- 30 1/2 years, retired supervisor, 2004
​Caveland Trophies- 1987 to present, Partner
Caverna High School Graduate- 1967
Married, Hailia Curry, 50 years
Two children
Two grandchildren
Horse Cave Rotary Club- 2011 to present, President 2014-2015
Caverna Kiwanis-Member
Hart Co. Chamber- President-2013
Horse Cave First Baptist Church- Deacon
Hart Co. Fair Board Member-1985 to present
Horse Cave City Council-2004 to 2010
Caverna Memorial Hospital/Trustee-Since 1982 (now The Medical Center at Caverna)
Hart Co. Industrial Authority-1998 to present, Vice President
Liberty District-Ralph Bunche Community Center-2005 to present, Treasurer
BRADD Board of Directors-2011 to present
Kentucky Council of Area Development District-2012 to present
BRADD Workforce Investment Board-2010 to present
Caverna Board of Education-1982-2002
Leadership Hart Co.-1994
Leadership Glasgow/Barren Co.-1997
Kentucky High School Athletic Association-1971 to present
5th Region Basketball Officials Association Varsity Assigner- 2008 to present
Hart Co. Chamber Citizen of the Year-2010
Caverna Jaycees-1975 to 1985